Monday, June 13, 2016


Asteroids are star like heavenly bodies lying between Mars and Jupiter. The main asteroid belt lies as more than two or half times away from earth as the sun is away from our earth. Their sizes vary from small boulders to few thousand feet in diameter.
Asteroids are leftovers from the formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Near the beginning, the birth of Jupiter barred any planetary bodies from forming in the gap between Mars and Jupiter, causing the small objects that were there to collide with each other and fragment them into the asteroids seen today. The main asteroid belt once contained enough material to form a planet that could be 4 times greater than the size of our earth but Jupiter gravity not only stopped the creation of such planet but kept them away to form planet. Composition indicates that majority of asteroids are formed of rock and stone containing iron and miracle and remaining asteroids are mixture of rock, stone and carbon containing material. These asteroids have atmosphere. The largest asteroid is Vesta. The main asteroid belt also contain planet Ceres which is the quarter of the size of our moon. These asteroids are irregular in shape and resemble lumpy potato. Asteroid216 Kleopetra resembles dog bone.
Mega asteroid is so big that it could trigger earthquake to skim past earth-volcanoes. Occasional collisions and gravitational pull send asteroids towards the sun on highly elliptical orbits and somewhat close enough to Earth to pose as a risk of impact. Astronomers are constantly on the lookout for bodies on such a terrible path. Most asteroids, fortunately, are too small to cause any damage. Instead they burn up in the atmosphere and appear to us as a shooting star.

                                         Earth Sky

There are five planets that can be seen with naked eye on the sky before dawn are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter rises first in the evening hours, followed by Mars after midnight and then Saturn, Venus and Mercury appear. We can make observations from any city of the world. For instance from Lahore which is at 3133.2' N, 7421.4' E latitude and longitude in the globe. January 30, 2016 all the five planets in the morning sky appeared.
From now to February20, 2016 all the planets would appear on the sky before dawn. This is first time in a decade that all the five planets also called so called naked eye planets are appearing before dawn. It is not easy to find the planets because you need a lot of skywatching so that you could pick the planets out of sky filled with stars.

                                  FOOD FOR THOUGHT

What we eat should not only for keeping body healthy but also should be for thought. Because a healthy body has a healthy mind. So adopt good habits like choosing food for thought. These are:
1) Fish
2) Citrus fruit
3) Avocados
4) Coffee
5) Egg
6) Whole grains
7) Yogurt
8) Nuts
9) Blue berries
This food has quality not only to control our waistline but also to keep our brain healthy by stopping reactions such as free radical reactions which affect our defence mechanism. These factors may be internal factors like enzymatic reactions and external factors like pollution.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

                                        BUBBLE NEBULA

The nebulae are the extended astronomical objects other than planets and comets in the open sky. Bubble Nebula is a stellar wind from a hot massive star present in the center causing it to glow. This New General Catalogue is 7635. It looks delicate and diameter is 7 light years. It is several hundred thousand times luminous and 45 times massive than our sun. Fascinating bubble nebula and  associated cloud complex lie at 7100 light years from earth in constellation Cassiopeia. The surface of the bubble's shell expands outward that gives an idea that dense region of cold gas on one side of the bubble. This asymmetry makes the star appear dramatically off-center from the bubble. The blue light indicates the oxygen, green for hydrogen and red for nitrogen. Bubble Nebula is one of the three shells surrounding the massive star. In the image, the magenta like threads are the remnants of the supernova that occurred thousands of years ago. The Bubble Nebula was discovered in 1787 by William Herschel, a prominent British astronomer.